Read more at the Washington Examiner
Mr. President, you will get your break in 2012! then you can visit Italy and eat pasta.
When the Democrats took over Congress 4 years ago the deficit was $169 Billion it's now $1.6 Trillion.
"everybody in the country is going to have to sacrifice something, accept change for the greater good. Everybody is going to have to give. Everybody is going to have to have some skin in the game."So The Obama modus operandi is becoming clear. From lavish trips to Spain to reportedly flying Bo, the President's Portuguese water dog, on a separate aircraft to vacation with them in Maine, to a date night in New York City that perhaps cost nearly $100,000, their idea of austerity is really just the lap of luxury, at least for ordinary folks.
As usual they like to lecture us but they dont follow their own advise!!
Official portions of the trip will be picked up by the taxpayer, including transport on the Air Force version of a 757, which would cost around $146,000 (£91,900) for the round trip (not including four to five days' ground time), and her mandatory Secret Service detail.
At an estimated 70 agents - at the $273-a-day federal per diem for five days, that's just over £60,000 for Secret Service room and board.
That's a grand total of £150,000 - and that's just for starters.
UPDATE II - Outrages - Obamas $345,000 /week vacation !!! Are we paying for this??
The Obama Administration Has No Position on the Ground Zero Mosque …
After all, Robert Gibbs explained, the president wouldn’t want to meddle in local affairs. Which is fine, but why then the meddle into Arizona affair???
Mrs. Obama said the word needs to get out to Americans that there are “beautiful beaches” along the Gulf Coast and it’s a great time for families to come down with their kids.
“There are still thousands of miles of beaches that have not been touched by the spill,” the first lady said. “And there are communities that thrive on tourism and on the economic power of beaches that have not been damaged.”
“Our economy is increasingly in shambles. And the families of Texas and all across America are feeling the brunt of that failing economy.”Well, that “failing economy” had a national unemployment rate of 4.8 percent. Captain Kickass’ first term will probably never see as many Americans employed as what he labeled a “failing economy.” If that was shambles, what is this?
Here's Mr. Obama on September 18, 2008, not long after the economic collapse: "Senator McCain's first answer to this economic crisis was - get ready for it - a commission. That's Washington-speak for 'we'll get back to you later.'"
But what do McChrystal’s and BP’s defenestration tell us about the president of the United States? Barack Obama is a thin-skinned man and, according to Britain’s Daily Telegraph, White House aides indicated that what angered the president most about the Rolling Stone piece was “a McChrystal aide saying that McChrystal had thought that Obama was not engaged when they first met last year.” If finding Obama “not engaged” is now a firing offense, who among us is safe?
Remember President Obama’s supposedly inviolable pledge—repeatedly uttered during the 2008 campaign and at countless town meetings since the inauguration—that he would never raise taxes on middle-class citizens who earn $250,000 a year or less?
This morning at a Manhattan breakfast sponsored by Thomson Reuters, White House Budget Director Peter Orszag threw that pledge out the window. Instead, he described Obama’s “read my lips, no new taxes” pledge as a “stance” and a “preference” that is subject to study by the president’s newly formed bipartisan Commission on Fiscal Responsibility.
“The president has been very clear about what he prefers,” Orszag said under questioning from Thomson Reuters’ Chrystia Freeland. “That was his stance during the campaign, and he still believes that’s the right course forward. But he has also been very clear that we shall let the commission go do its work.”